
Sunday, June 20, 2021

The eve of the Crone

 On she walked in the dreary realm - feeling death and fear...

watching saddened weary lives, toiling for those they hold dear...

knowing about the morrow - seeing the futuristic bleakness again...

a curse of being a seer - helplessly unable to hinder strife or pain...

Cheery voices she heard about - wafting with sweet fragrant aroma...

sounds of laughter and gaiety - piercing the veil of deathly trauma...

the mirth sparked a strange feeling in the nearly heartless crone...

some blissful freshness amidst agonizing wails in melancholic monotone...

stopping in her tracks suddenly, the Crone veered off her well trodden path...

seeking the source of the glee, that pierced her soul's protective rath...

She saw some young souls huddled around a great cooking hearth...

In a tiny alcove tucked neatly behind a dark and dreary garth... 

The pure young souls were sharing many a bellyful of warm sustenance...

hungry souls were gathering about greedily seeking that ambience...

A wild temptation captured the crone's soul hitherto non-existent

In she walked into that twinkling brightness after a hesitant instant...

From her endless journey she begged off a few stray moments...

to assist and spend with those pure soulful embodiments...

Realising the importance of that instant - beyond all - so precious...

Time stood still, savouring the lingering aroma of the food delicious...

That night, the ageless crone lived a million and more lives...

forming bonds that can't be cut or severed with earthy knives...

she found there some more like her, cloaked in smart disguise...

wizened beings imbibing those precious drops of paradise...

time moved on, ending the fellowship, helplessly unable to  linger...

though crone and the other wizened entities wished it were longer...

hesitant and sad, but aware of the inevitable eventuality...

they parted in the world though linked forever till eternity...